Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Jeffrey Warren

Jeff Warren specializes in design adventures constructed at architectural and digital realms; in confusing digital, virtual and physical spaces; in visual illiteracy and structural certainty; and, in visual literacy and structural uncertainty.

The post Jeffrey Warren appeared first on Health-Info.org.

source https://health-Info.org/environmentalhealth/people/jeffrey-warren/

Caroline Woolard

Caroline Woolard specializes in play and bodily adventure; roving reporter; antigravity specialist and devices for the same; populating public places with devices that provide reprieve and hack customary facilities.

Caroline asks: How can objects best facilitate action? What is tactile intellect? How and why is participatory work masked as philanthropy without artist’s agendas?

The post Caroline Woolard appeared first on Health-Info.org.

source https://health-Info.org/environmentalhealth/people/caroline-woolard/

Mike Lin

Mike Lin is a product designer specializing in sustainable development. He is the founder and a principal of Vestal Design Atelier, a web design, human factors and eco design consulting firm.

Mike asks: How can we create sustainable solutions to real-world problems?

The post Mike Lin appeared first on Health-Info.org.

source https://health-Info.org/environmentalhealth/people/mike-lin/

Amelia Amon

Amelia Amon is a solar designer, who focuses on an aesthetic approach to the integration of sustainable energy technologies into our built environment. Her company, Alt.Technica, designs and develops photovoltaic products and installations, including solar area lights, fountains, freezer carts, and exhibits for science and environmental centers. She is co-founder of the o2NY EcoDesign Network and on the board of the NE Sustainable Energy Assn.

Amelia asks: How do we use solar infrastructure to develop eco-literacy?

The post Amelia Amon appeared first on Health-Info.org.

source https://health-Info.org/environmentalhealth/people/amelia-amon/

Natalie Jeremijenko

Natalie Jeremijenko is an artist whose background includes studies in biochemistry, physics, neuroscience and precision engineering. Jeremijenko’s projects—which explore socio-technical change—have been exhibited by several museums and galleries, including the MASSMoCA, the Whitney, Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt. A 1999 Rockefeller Fellow, she was recently named one of the 40 most influential designers by I.D. Magazine. Jeremijenko is the director of the environmental health clinic at NYU, assistant professor in Art, and affiliated with the Computer Science Dept.

Jeremijenko directs the xDesign Environmental Health Clinic [http://www.nyu.edu/projects/xdesign/]. The Environmental Health Clinic develops and prescribes locally optimized and often playful strategies to effect remediation of environmental systems, producing measurable and mediagenic evidence and coordinating diverse projects to effective material change.

Recently, Jeremijenko’s work was included in the 2006 Whitney Biennial of American Art and the Cooper Hewit Smithsonian Design Triennial 2006-7. Jeremjenko’s permanent installation on the roof of Postmasters Gallery in Chelsea Model Urban Development(MUD): provides infrastructure and facilities for high-density bird cohabitation in an environmental experiment in interaction with the New York City bird population.

Her work is described as experimental design, hence xDesign, as it explores opportunities presented by new technologies for non-violent social change. Her research centers on structures of participation in the production of knowledge and information, and the political and social possibilities (and limitations) of information and emerging technologies — mostly through public experiments. In this vein, her work spans a range of media from statistical indices (such as the Despondency Index, which linked the Dow Jones to the suicide rate at San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge) to biological substrates (such as the installations of cloned trees in pairs in various urban micro-climates) to robotics (such as the development of feral robotic dog packs to investigate environmental hazards).

Jeremijenko is also a visiting professor at Royal College of Art, in London and an artist not-in-residence at the Institute for the Future in Palo Alto. Previously, Jeremijenko was a member of the faculty in the Visual Arts at UCSD and in Engineering at Yale.

The post Natalie Jeremijenko appeared first on Health-Info.org.

source https://health-Info.org/environmentalhealth/people/natalie-jeremijenko/


The GreenLight is a prescription product developed for the xdesign Environmental Health Clinic. The light is prescribed for Impatients* interested in changing their relationship to energy systems; improving indoor air-quality and developing experience with closed and coupled systems design–the chief strategies for improved environmental performance.

This lighting product diffuses light by coupling to photosynthetic processes. Planting strategies can be specified to address particular indoor air quality issues including VOC, benzene and formaldehyde removal.

Like other prescription products this product requires a clinic appointment to introduce the design parameters involved, and the novel issues involved in distributed power production.

The post GreenLight appeared first on Health-Info.org.

source https://health-Info.org/environmentalhealth/dispensary/greenlight/


The Solar awning provides a positionable solar array, easy accessed to set at the otimal angle seasonally. An additional performance benefit is the reduced solar heat gain though windows.

The solar awning strategy does not hide the solar cells on existing surfaces, but produces a highly visible feature that signals the internal systems externally. Internally the feature exploits the shading effects of the solar awning, patterning the interior surfaces and displaying the external conditions.

The post GreenAwning appeared first on Health-Info.org.

source https://health-Info.org/environmentalhealth/dispensary/greenawning/

Environmental Classes

What is the opportunity that social networking platforms provide? How does the social movement around environmental change happen? How do cultural ideas interact with technical, material and economic constraints to develop the movement around new environmentalism? How can we reimagine our relationship to natural systems?

Course Description

This class is an engagement with various new technologies and the opportunity they present for change, social change. ….[see syllabus for expanded description]. In this class we will describe the technological opportunity for social change
presented by contemporary information technology in terms of structures of participation….. This is a practicum, i.e. studio class, that will involve producing work in and for a number of digital platforms including social networking software: artcloud.com ; howstuffismade.org ; the environmental health clinic.

Environmental Art Activism, Social Networking, Web 2.0, Environmental
real-time, distributed, remote and biomonitoring,


1) Me++: Become an Impatient
2) Where++:
3) Them++: HowStuffisMade
4) How++:
5) When++: 

Class Information

Class session: W 8:55 – 12:15
In addition you will be required to attend other lectures, exhibitions and site visits.

The post Environmental Classes appeared first on Health-Info.org.

source https://health-Info.org/environmentalhealth/education/environmental-classes/

Environmental Health Clinic

The Environmental Health Clinic at NYU is a clinic and lab, modeled on other health clinics at universities. However the project approaches health from an understanding of its dependence on external local environments; rather than on the internal biology and genetic predispositions of an individual.

The clinic works like this: you make an appointment, just like you would at a traditional health clinic, to talk about your particular environmental health concerns. What differs is that you walk out with a prescription not for pharmaceuticals but for actions: local data collection and urban interventions directed at understanding and improving your environmental health; plus referrals, not to medical specialists but to specific art, design and participatory projects, local environmental organizations and local government or civil society groups: organizations that can use the data and actions prescribed as legitimate forms of participation to promote social change.

As with traditional healthcare, the responsibility ultimately is managed by you. Attending the Environmental Health Clinic – and following up – is entirely voluntary. You decide whether or not to address an issue; you formulate the concerns, ask the questions, and come to the clinic only if you are interested in addressing these concerns. You draw on the clinic’s resources and expertise to help develop a reasonable course of action, which you can follow through or not. You are the one driving, as with traditional health care where you decide whether to smoke, exercise, or fill the prescription: you bear the costs and benefits of changing environmental health.

This inversion of health as an external phenomenon is not just a thought-experiment, but a growing concern. Take Pediatricians, for example: trained to diagnose and treat bacterial and viral disease, monitor for malnutrition and administer vaccinations. Pediatricians actually spend most of their office hours treating – according to Landrigan and the National Academies report – Asthma; Developmental Delays and Disorders (including Autism Spectrum); the increased rate of childhood cancers (an alarming 400-fold increase in some rare cancers); and increasingly now, obesity. All the conditions pediatricians spend their time on are ones in which the environment is implicated, yet this is not represented in medical curricula, or at least not proportionately to the time medical professionals spend, addressing these issues professionally.

The post Environmental Health Clinic appeared first on Health-Info.org.

source https://health-Info.org/environmentalhealth/clinic/environmental-health-clinic/

Monday, January 20, 2020

✅Best Weight Loss Pills 2020

Quick Overview
Best Fast and Powerful Diet Pills in 2020 which also come with a guarantee. Written by Dr Jason Currie. This guide is designed to be a down to earth guide of the best safe and fast slimming pills on the market. This guide covers weight loss pills known by several names such as, fat burners, appetite suppressants, diet pills, and slimming pills. In the main these are just different ways to describe the same thing which are supplements in capsule form which help you lose weight. I will help you find safe, powerful and fast weight loss supplements that will work without exercise. Medical conditions often make exercise difficult I understand that. In this guide I will look at metabolic boosters, safe non stimulant diet pills and safe FDA approved which will help regardless of your medical condition.

The Best Guaranteed Slimming Pills in 2020 that work fast without exercise.

No.1: Phen-24  (60 day  Guarantee – Full return any circumstances) 
No.2: Phen-Q  (60 day cast iron guarantee)
No.3: Keto pills by Vita (No Guarantee)
No.4: Slendarol
No.5: Green-Coffee Plus
No.6: CL-A 2000
No.7: Burn XT
No.8: Vintage Burn
No.9: Goli Apple Cider Gummies (Conditional Guarantee)
No.10: A-lli

Medical Notice Remember to Consult Your Doctor .

Just heads up right away which I am sure you’re aware of but: if you happen to suffer from a medical condition, Its best to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements. Diet pills can potentially alter your metabolism, elevate blood pressure and affect your sleep so it’s worthwhile checking with a doctor in such cases.

Below is a list of how these fast weight loss pills will help you in 2020!

The list of the best weight loss pills is based on a poll of medical professionals from around the world.

We all know healthy living including a balanced diet and regular exercise is the best option.

But for those of you who are struggling.

The following list of the best weight loss pills are guaranteed to be your best options.

Discover the secret Health supplements being used for remarkable weight loss.

(The scientific community are raving about them and you can’t find them on Amazon)

Dear friend if …

you are determined to be healthy….


and keep to your new year’s resolutions. 

This will be the most important message you read this year.

Here is why

You are about to get a sneak preview of the most highly rated premium slimming pills in 2020. Guaranteed to help you lose weight in time for Summer or …Your money back!!

Voted on by 3,324 nutrition experts. 

from over 23 countries.

Before we move on to the top 10 list I have a quick question for you.

What does Mo Farah multi olympic gold winner,

President Obama

and the Renowned US National Library of Medicine have in common?

There is no call a friend and they won’t know I PROMISE:)

They all take or recommend ingredients you can find in the supplements below.

fast slimming pills guaranteed weight loss or money back

If you need an energy boost you will not go wrong using the ingredient Mo Farah uses! Olympic great and long distance legend Mo gets up at about 7am, has some toast with butter and nutella. Soon after he will do his morning run of around 10-12 miles (16-19 km) then he will go the gym for core work. After a quick snooze MO runs five miles [8K] at lunch time.

Most of us would need weeks to do this and months to recover.

However as reported in the in the guardian some athletes have questioned if Mo Farah is cheating by using the amino acid L-carnitine to boost his performances. The Amazing Legal ingredient is used by many endurance athletes and the secret is out for you. This ingredient is included in the no.2. ranked supplement below. 

top rated diet pills green tea are very popular in 2020

The former president Obama has the best medical advice in the world, do you remember a time he was ill? in fact he is known as probably the healthiest president in history!

What is his secret?

Well every morning he religiously drinks green tea.

Green tea is an antioxidant which helps fight free radicals that cause heart disease, cancer and other diseases. But the good news does not end their green tea is also rated as the best fat burner by many esteemed sources like healthline.com. 

You have guessed right green tea is an ingredient in the top rated diet pills below!

The scientific community have so many positive things to say about the top 2 supplements below….

        It is impossible to include all the findings but here is sample before I take you to the top 10 list. 

Thus there is evidence for a beneficial effect of L-carnitine supplementation in training, competition, and recovery from strenuous exercise and in regenerative athletics (found in the no.2 quick weight loss supplement below) World Famous US National Library of Medicine
The participants who drank at least 5 cups of green tea per day had a significantly lower risk of dying (especially from cardiovascular disease) than those who drank less than one cup of tea per day (found in the no.1 supplement below) JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION
Green tea extract the clear winner for fat burning with the strongest evidence to back it up green tea increases fat burning and improves physical performance. Antioxidants in green tea may lower your risk of some types of cancer (found in the no.1 supplement below) HEALTHLINE.COM
ALA studies in animals demonstrated significant reductions in body fat mass measured by weighing removed fat mass.(ALA is Alpha-Lipoic Acid or α-Lacys Reset can found no.2 ranked supplement below  for quick weight loss)

US National Library of Medicine.

(Medical Doctors and Nutrition experts if you need the latest research on ingredients use our acclaimed DIET WIKI database bottom of the page)

Here is the story of some of the most amazing celebrity weight loss transformations. Eye candy galore!


If you’re determined to lose weight fast..

Take the 1 minute Quiz below

It will tell you the exact diet pills best suited for your lifestyle and body shape

Guaranteed best diet pills 2020 that work fast without exercise


In Depth Best Diet Pills for Certain Medical Conditions and F.A.Q.

Effective Appetite Suppressants to Stop Your Food Cravings.

Are you tired of giving yourself empty promises? Are you tired of being humiliated and feeling like an addict each time succumbing to a craving? Do you blame your lack of will for your failures? No need to.

Quite often simple things can have a dramatic effect on your food cravings like a lack of sleep which can lead to stress and comfort eating or eating at the wrong time, most notably in the evening.

“……Sleep has also been shown to influence how the body uses insulin and processes glucose. In Penev’s study of middle-aged adults with self-determined consumption of meals and snacks, at the end of the sleep-deprived periods the participants showed increased insulin resistance and decreased glucose tolerance,Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism…….”  National Library of Medicine.

The first step towards reducing cravings is to get a good night’s sleep

Simple I know but it is probably the single most important thing to effect weight that many overlook. In one study conducted at the University of Colorado participants who had just 5 hours sleep per night recorded a weight gain of 2lbs per week.

This is due to sleep deprivation meddling with hormones leptin and ghrelin, these are very important to you.

So listen up,  did you know Leptin reduces your appetite and encourages energy expenditure. On the other hand ghrelin is responsible for your feelings of hunger.

“……Many epidemiologic and experimental studies link short or disrupted sleep to elements of one of the major health problems linked to obesity: metabolic syndrome, which includes a variety of symptoms that can lead to heart disease, stroke, or diabetes, including high triglycerides and cholesterol, hypertension, insulin resistance, and glucose intolerance……”  National Library of Medicine.

If you do suffer sleep problems I suggest Phen24. This is a general health supplement which includes both day and night slimming agents. It will brighten your mood, help regulate your leptin levels and give you lots of energy for your daily tasks.

Just a bit of advice if you feel like raiding the fridge in the evening for a snack opt for high protein bar which will make you feel or consider yoghurt, apricots, prunes or raisins.

What Are The Best Slimming Pills For an Energy Boost?

“…Exercise? Dam I dont have the energy to lift a toothpick let alone go to the gym. Exercise?.. its swear word! I might manage leaning over to grab the remote of the table but don’t ask me to get up after work! My default mode after work is the cabbage state…..”

This was the rather amusing retort I got from one client a Lady in her 30’s hiding a wonderful figure!

Here the problem was in fact very simple she didn’t need to diet but to simply organise her day to eat real food opposed to chocolate snacks and coffee.

The lack of organization in her life meant when she got tired she needed an energy boost and the first thing at hand was often coffee and sweet food.

The problem with sugar stimulants is the energy is short lived and the energy crash is steep which leads to a vicious cycle.

So first rule is to organise your day with real food do not pump yourself with quick energy boosters and drink enough water.

Dehydration slows down your metabolism, which will increase the fat you store

A supplement which can balance your energy levels and boost your metabolism is Phen-Q (Find this below) it has a key ingredient called Nopal extract that will give you a healthy non sugar energy boost and curbs your appetite. It also has an ingredient used by athletes I tell you more about this in moment. But first it is wise to know,,,,,,


How Much Weight Do You Need to Lose?

Before you even think about losing weight you must take this first step to find your ideal weight.
(Uses all the scientific formulas to give you an average ideal weight)

Go here to use the ideal weight calculator (opens in a new window will only take a moment)

find your ideal weight it is guaranteed to help you lose weight quickly without needing to exercise

How much weight you need to lose (if any) depends on your Body Mass Index according to most experts in the past.

But there are numerous examples of well proportioned people with a high BMI. For this reason we developed the ideal weight calculator this gives you an average ideal weight using all the scientific formulas. We also give you the standard BMI calculation.

Obesity is frequently subdivided into categories:

  • Class 1: BMI of 30 to < 35
  • Class 2: BMI of 35 to < 40
  • Class 3: BMI of 40 or higher. Class 3 obesity is sometimes categorized as “extreme” or “severe” obesity… www.cdc.gov


Over The Counter Weight Loss Pills V Prescription Diet Pills?

Non prescription diet supplements aren’t even considered drugs by FDA. This means over the counter  diet pills contain natural ingredients considered to be safe for consumption unless they appear on the FDA tainted weight loss products list.

This is not to say all non prescription weight loss supplements won’t give you side effects. Many do give you side effects like heart palpitations, anxiety and acid reflux etc.  So In this list I have included the supplements with the best safety profile.

In my experience anecdotal customer feedback does not suggest prescription drugs are any more effective than non prescription drugs.

In most cases they are also a lot more expensive especially in the United States.  One example is a prescription supplement called ALLi which is a 60-milligram over-the-counter version of orlistat (Xenical), a 120-milligram prescription drug.  Effectively ALLi is a government approved prescription weight loss drug but it does not receive a greater number of positive customer reviews.

Which gives us a clue that prescription does not necessarily imply better.

Best Diet Pills That Work Fast Without Exercise

Have you suffered from a trip or fall or are you unable to be active?  In the top 3 list I have selected slimming pills which are suitable for you especially if you need to lose weight quickly.

Considered by some to be the most brutal quick weight loss supplement in the world (You cannot get it on Amazon it is a premium supplement).

There have been reports of weight loss of up to 14lbs in a month.

But losing this amount of weight in 1 month could be unhealthy for some.

The top rated weight loss pills I feature below are becoming a popular alternative to gastric band surgery and a favorite of performance athletes.   

“….three studies in the literature showing beneficial effects of L-carnitine on performance of athletes….”

“….it is clear that L-carnitine plays an important role on recovery from strenuous exercise……”

Mo Farah received some complaints because it is said he used  L-Carnitine and got an unfair advantage but it is perfectly safe and legal! Read the full story here.

fast and effective weight loss pills if you can't exercise. The best guarantee offered is around 60 days

by Scientific & Academic Publishing

This supplement is so effective because it is an all-in-one pill. Its function encompasses everything from boosting metabolism to antioxidation. Moreover, they even give you a 60-days money back guarantee so you really have nothing to lose ,,,well except fat that is!. Find it in the top 3 listed supplements below. 


Diet Pill Ingredients to avoid if you are Diabetic

If you suffer from diabetes, consult with your doctor before taking any supplements.

Some of them may contain ingredients dangerous for you to take.

Outright dangerous ingredients include cayenne pepper/capsaicin. On the more ambiguous side are caffeine (~200mg may alter blood sugar level).

Garcinia cambogia (lowers blood sugar levels, which is seemingly useful, but combined with diabetes medication can make your blood sugar level dangerously low).

“…….Some evidence has emerged to suggest that apple cider vinegar may have particular benefits for the management of diabetes……”   source ….www.medicalnewstoday.com

By the way Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the best selling well being supplements and slimming ingredients in the world. It is included in one of the top 3 weight loss pills below and further enhanced with other special ingredients. (By the way the supplement we feature is not available on Amazon top athletes and nutrition experts do not go to such places)

Ingredients like green coffee extract or green tea extract may actually help diabetes. But still, you should consult your doctor on dosages and diabetes medication interactions.

Below in the selected supplements you will find diet pills that contain green tea, raspberry ketones and apple cider vinegar which I specifically selected for diabetes sufferers. 


Best Diet Pills For Women After Childbirth and Pregnancy?

You should aim for gradual weight loss within 6 months.

Light physical exercise doesn’t hurt as long as you don’t overstress yourself.

If you are a new mother Kathleen Rasmussen, a professor of maternal and child nutrition at Cornell University explains you will retain on average, 2.5 to 5 lbs. (1 to 2 kg)livescience.com

As for slimming pills, there is a number of ingredients to avoid. Those are: ephedra, that can give you a heart attack (luckily, none of the ingredients on our list utilise it), conjugated linoleic acid, which increases risk of diabetes and gallstones, guar gum, which can cause blockages in the intestines and esophagus, tiratricol and chitosan.

Here are your calorie requirements after child birth

If You’re Breastfeeding:

Calories: 2,200–2,400
Calcium: 1,000–1,300 mg
Folate: 280 mcg
Iron: 15 mg
Protein: 65 g
Vitamin C: 95 mg

If You’re Not Breastfeeding:

Calories: 1,900–2,200
Calcium: 1,300 mg
Folate: 180 mcg
Iron: 15 mg
Protein: 44–50 g
Vitamin C: 60 mg

You might also be interested in = Weight Gain During Pregnancy (Opens in a new browser tab)

Natural Herb Diet Pills and Fat Burners that work?

In a search for a safe diet supplement, you might be turned to natural, botanical diet pills.

They are plant based so must be natural and healthy!

HANG ON ONE MOMENT ! not everything is so clear-cut.

For instance, Meizitang botanical pills have acquired some suspicious reputation recently. And rightfully so: US Food and Drugs administration warned consumers that they contain the regulated ingredient Fluoxetine  also, Australian department of health has found an undeclared element – diclofenac.

I have made sure no harmful weight loss pills are on this list for your safety!

Moving on, there are multiple herbal supplements sold under different brands: Job’s tears, Psyllium husk, bamboo shoots, lotus leaf etc.

It is advisable to stick to the such supplements, made solely from plants without any artificial additives or concealed ingredients. 

My recommendation to you if you would like a herbal natural plant supplement is Keto by Vita because it is made by an american company and the supplement is cleared as safe by the FDA (Keto Vita is sold in the USA and Europe see more below)

Traditional Chinese Food Cure (treatment of disease through diet)(Opens in a new browser tab)


The Best Slimming Supplements if You Suffer High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

If you have high blood pressure, you should avoid stimulant-based supplements.

Apart from stimulants like caffeine, the following ingredients might elevate your blood pressure: ephedra, St. John’s wort, yohimbine, Guarana, Arnica, Ginseng, Licorice.

Some are more ambiguous: raspberry ketones, for instance may potentially elevate your blood pressure but it is considered safe by the FDA. 

On the other hand ingredients that might actually lower your blood pressure: cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar.

Note, that over-the counter diet pills, although considered safe by the FDA, often contain some of the dangerous ingredients listed above, so you should be careful if you have hypertension.

If you suffer from a medical condition it is best to consult with a specialist before using any slimming pills.

High Blood Pressure(Opens in a new browser tab)

Are there Effective Weight Loss Pills if You Suffer From Hyperlipidaemia?

If you happen to have hyperlipidaemia due to diabetes, we encourage you to read the respective section.

Otherwise, perhaps you just want to lower your cholesterol levels.

If this is the case there are several ingredients that can aid high cholesterol.

Apple cider vinegar
, among other benefits, lowers cholesterol levels and promotes heart health.

Green tea extract
can aid high cholesterol as well.

has strong evidence of lowering cholesterol, albeit in high doses. 

Raspberry ketones
is also considered helpful to lower cholesterol.

Milder effects are observed with chromium and calcium.

The best option for you if you do suffer from high cholesterol is Keto diet pills by Vita. I tell you more about these below.

The Best Weight Loss Pills if You Suffer Sleep Apnoea

Sleep apnoea is strongly linked to excess body fat as I explained earlier.

Getting decent nights sleep is the single most important thing you can start doing now to lose weight and feel more positive.

Interestingly, the condition can also contribute to weight gain: sleep apnoea can make you feel tired and sleepy during the day, which, in turn, can mess with your hormones leptin and adiponectin, leading to weight gain and excessive food consumption.

To break this vicious circle you might like the assistance of weight loss pills called Phen24 (See Below). It is a supplement that has helped many people burn on average 9-14lbs per month.

Phen24 is one of only one of few weight loss supplements in the world to offer night and day formulas. 

Phen24 also acts as an appetite suppressant making you feel fuller so you do not feel like eating.

Many report feeling more cheerful because phen24 gently increases the feel good hormone serotonin.


Other Diet Pills Guaranteed to be Popular in 2020

Aerobic Life Mag O7

Weight loss has a lot to do with nutrition and the process of digestion. But what if the very digestive system is broken? (Or, rather, littered?) The role of microbiome in your digestive tract is often overlooked . And very unjustly so, because those tiny organisms have influence over a lot of things from digestion to your mood. Mag O7 helps those little folks do their job by releasing ozonated magnesium and potassium. If you need to cleanse your digestive system, this supplement is for you.

Possible side effects Aerobic Mag O7:
Nausea, bloating, heartburn, headaches.

Ingredients Aerobic Mag O7:
Elemental Magnesium, elemental Potassium.

C4 ripped

Can a daily workout be a struggle got you?

Sweating blood on a treadmill is not everyone’s idea of fun!

C4 ripped to the rescue!


Its powerful formula acts in two ways: it gives you energy and enables fat burning. Users reported relentlessly killing their workouts, ready to go for more and more, like on a never-ending marathon, — but, in a good way! Because the supplement will make you feel rewarded for the hard work you’ve done, This contains a dopamine precursor. Plus, it triggers your metabolism, allowing you to burn much more calories than you would regularly. Oh, just one more thing it’s quite tasty!

This has many stimulants so beware of the side effect mentioned below.

Possible side effects:

Caffeine mixed with green coffee bean has less favourable reports from many customers – complaints include jitters, heart palpitations, anxiety and feeling light headed.

Main ingredients C4 Ripped:
Vitamin C(as ascorbic acid) – 250mg, 417% DV, niacin(as Niacinamide) – 30mg, 150% DV, Vitamin B6(as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) – 500 mcg, 25% DV, Folic acid – 250 mcg, 62% DV, vitamin B12(as Methylcobalamin) – 35 mcg, 583% DV, calcium – 28 mg, 3% DV; beta alanine – 1.6g, Arginine AKG – 1g, C4® Ripped Blend(L-Carnitine tartrate, green coffee bean extract(standardised for chlorogenic acids), Capsimax® cayenne(Capsicum annuum) fruit extract, Coleus forskohlii fruit extract) – 1g, Explosive Energy Blend(N-Acityl_l-Tyrosyne, caffeine anhydrous(150mg), Velvet bean(Mucuna pruriens) seed extract(standardised for L-Dopa)) – 371 mg.
Other ingredients: citric acid, malic acid, calcium silicate, silicone dioxide, natural flavours, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, FD&C Red Lake #40.

Skinny gal

What makes this supplement different according to the manufacturer is it is designed specifically for women by women.

It is rather amusing promotion tactic but the ingredients are common across a range of supplements.

Its function includes thermogenic promotion of metabolism.

Thus, it is possible you will burn more calories, getting rid of that stubborn fat and stay motivated for your workout.

On a less positive note, however, The ingredients contain a lower dosage then is recommended. 

Possible side effects Skinny Gal Weight Loss Pills:
Some users reported having heartburn and some anxiety issues.

Main ingredients Skinny Gal Weight Loss Pills:
Garcinia cambogia(fruit) – 40mg, african mango(seed) – 25mg, conjugated linoleic acid(from Safflower oil) – 15mg, white kidney(Phaseolus vulgaris)(bean) – 10mg;
proprietary blend(235mg):
caffeine anhydrous, raspberry ketones, green coffee(Coffee arabica)(bean), hoodia(Hoodia gordonii)(aerial parts), 5-HTP(5-hydroxytryptophan), Griffonia simplicifolia(seed), turmeric(Curcuma longa L.)(rhizome), guarana(Paullinia cupana)(seed), rhodiola(root), cayenne pepper(Capsucum annuum)(fruit), apple cider vinegar, papaya(leaf), L-Arginine HCI.
Other ingredients: Vegetable capsule, cellulose, l-leucine, silica.

Premium women’s fat burner by Nobi

Nobi makes a number of claims about this product: ketosis support, help with managing appetite, energy increase, fitness & performance boost, weight loss support, help with burning fat, slimming down and toning up.

But it contains BHB as the main ingredient and BHB only works if you are already in a state of dietary ketosis. If your not in ketosis BHB can make you put on weight because your body will store the carbs in your body as fat and use  the bhb as energy which you do not want!

Basically, Nobi’s product is just a branded version of (goBHB) which is used by many other diet pills especially Keto Pills. The official goBHB website lists only lists three benefits mentioned by Nobi: energy support, appetite control and promoting cognitive health.

Possible side effects Nobi:
officially stated: none; but we found: upset stomach, nausea, lightheadedness, yellow skin, hunger and weight gain.

Ingredients Nobi:
GoBHB(calcium beta-hydroxybutyrate, sodium beta-hydroxybutyrate, magnesium beta hydroxybutyrate).

Meizitang Botanical slimming pills

These are on the FDA tainted diet supplement warning list. These are BANNED.

Meizitang relies on traditional Asian medicine in making the diet pills. Apart from weight loss, Meizitang promises to promote appetite control, Relieve constipation, improve eye health, relieve symptoms of headaches, calm nausea. However, none of the ingredients’ alleged effects seem to have enough scientific evidence.

Moreover, FDA warned against Meizitang because of the pills containing sibutramine, a controlled substance that had been removed from the market.

Curiously, Meizitang is surrounded by numerous impostors, hence the warnings on the official website.

Possible side effects Meizitang:
Bowel problems, weakness in muscles, loss of electrolytes, gastrointestinal issues, stomach problems, diarrhoea.

Ingredients Meizitang:
Cassia seed extract (10%), ZiSu extract (25%), Medical Amylum (35%), Oriental Water Plantain (13%), Fuling Extract (17%), Lotus, Job’s tears, Tarragon, Psyllium.


Very few supplements take such care to guide you along your weight loss journey, as this supplement does.

The formula it utilises(comprised of FDA approved ingredients), has a multidimensional action: it gives you the energy to do the exercise, it curbs your appetite, it boosts your metabolism and it helps your body metabolise the fat tissue into muscle. And it does so with a blueprint of weight loss in mind.

The most pernicious and treacherous obstacle on your way to that elusive ideal body is a plateau phase: when you rapidly drop a lot of weight, your body will enter a defence mode, thereby leaving you with stubborn fat, so spitefully resistant to any exercise or diet.

By tweaking your metabolism in right places, Phen375 will enable you to get out of that trap. Even more, it offers its customers access to a video exercise programme. Which might be helpful for those who can’t afford pricey gym subscription or a personal trainer.

Possible side effects Phen375:
Restlessness, irritability, sleeplessness, nervousness, increased heart rate.

Ingredients Phen375:
l-caritine, caffeine powder anhydrous, Coleus forskohlii root PE(10% froskolin), citrus aurantium, cayenne pepper, Dendrodium nobile extract(from orchids).


An extract from the roots of an Indian herb Coleus Forskohlii, has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, recently has drawn a scientific interest for its health benefits. It has been discovered to suppress appetite, improve metabolism and help indigestion. You might be excited by this completely natural medication which can help you lose weight, but be warned: little studies have been conducted on humans and the results are somewhat inconclusive.

Possible side effects Forskolin:
flushing and reduction in blood pressure, restlessness, breathlessness, and irritation in the airways, headache, stinging pain the eyes and bloodshot eyes.

Raspberry Ketones.

Raspberry ketones are the compounds that give raspberries their flavour. Apart from food industry, they’re also used to aid weight loss.

The way they are supposed to work is by stimulating the hormone adiponectin, which helps to break down fatty acids. Experiments on mice have been conducted, indicating a weight loss of 10%.

Raspberry ketones have proven to be a useful diet supplement and have been utilised by various diet pill brands.

Possible side effects: unknown; generally recognised safe by the FDA.


Lean pm night time fat burner

Lean PM by Jacked Factory is a stimulant-free diet supplement. Meaning that you don’t have to worry about any stimulant-induced side-effects like caffeine jitteriness. The only problem is it does not work according to many customers.

Ingredients include vitamin B and magnesium which are used to fight fatigue. Aside from that, the supplement has a benefit of boosting your metabolism. 

Possible side effects Lean-PM: caffeine-related.

Ingredients Lean-PM:
Vitamin B6(as Pyridoxine HCI) – 10mg, 500% DV, magnesium(as Magnesium Citrate) – 150mg, 38% DV, epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG) – 300mg, l-theanine – 200mg, 5-HTP(from Griffonia simplicifolia seed extract) – 150mg, melatonin – 5mg, Bioperine® black pepper fruit extract 5mg.


Garcinia cambogia is a citrus native to Indonesia. I is used per se or a an ingredient in various slimming pills. It works due to its main compound, Hydrocitric acid, blocking lyase, an enzyme responsible for fat production. Garcinia is also believed to improve serotonin levels. Thus, the fruit will stop you from gaining weight(and, thus, in longer term, promote weight loss) and, possibly, improve your mood.
According to NCBI:

“the meta-analysis revealed a small, statistically significant difference in weight loss favoring HCA over placebo”

Possible side effects Garcinia
Dizziness, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, skin rash.

Hydroxycut hardcore elite

This supplement is claimed to work through thermogenesis – a state of elevated body temperature, when it burns more calories for thermoregulation.

Alongside that, the supplement stimulants provide you with energy, some of its ingredients boost metabolism, while the blend of yohimbe & L-Theanine is described as “combination of potent ingredients that contribute to a one-of-a-kind sensory experience”.

Keep in mind, the brand’s reputation is somewhat murky due to health scares. The Parent company who produce Hydroxycut were forced to formulate the ingredients twice due to serious side-effect being reported by customers.

Possible side effects Hydroxycut:
Insomnia, jitteriness, anxiety, nausea, diarrhea. This supplement suffers from above average number of customer complaints.

Ingredients Hydroxycut:
kohlii(100mg), Green Coffee(200mg), Caffeine Anhydrous(270mg), L-Theanine(100mg), cocoa extract(100mg), yohimbe extract(56.3mg), supplying yohimbine, supplying rauwolscine.

(TOP 10) Best Weight Loss Pills 2020


Editors no.1. choice.

“….The best combined fat burner and appetite suppressant in the world. Comes with a special night formula….”

 no.1 rated weight loss supplement 2020 with 60 money back guarantee


  • If you’re over 30 and want the best combined appetite suppressant and fat burner these are for you.
  • Glucomannan makes you feel full and content (recommended by healthline as the best weight loss ingredient in the world)
  • You sleep one third of your life do not waste this time! This is the smart person’s choice! and the only premium diet formula to burn your fat night and day.
  • Helps regulate the hormone leptin which is required before you can lose weight
  • Increases your serotonin so you feel happy and positive
  • A great option for women over 30 who are inactive
  • Best appetite suppressant and fat burning diet pill combined
  • Hops extract promotes relaxation mindfulness
  • Vitamin B helps gives you energy by breaking down fat into glucose
  • With PhenQ the only diet pills that offer a full no questions asked guarantee even if you use the supplement and don’t like it. (60 days)

This supplement is only available from the official website

The only premium supplement with a special night formula that also burns your fat at night.

Phen24 claims to be the most potent weight loss pill on the market.

Are the claims justified?

Yes and no.

For pure fat burning qualities, we would give the Title to PhenQ.

That said there is a caveat an important one….

Phen24 is the only premium diet pill that includes a night-time supplement.

What is the big deal about this i hear you ask?

Well there is a lot science linking obesity with disturbed sleep.

Up to now this is a fact only a privileged few have really known about.

Why is it such a game changer for celebs ?

Celebs have to often change there weight and appearance in weeks and the night formula adds a massive one third to effective weight loss that would normally be wasted. 

It’s rather smart !

We sleep a 1/3 of our lives so knowing your losing weight with no effort while you sleep is a big plus point.

Another factor is the positive effect on your mood.

Phen24 is one of a few premium weight loss pills to formulate its ingredients around mood and well being as well as fat burning.

The reason for this is simple….

A sunny mood can boost motivation in all aspects of your life.

So although you may not be motivated to exercise or diet at the moment when you start to feel the weight come off this can give you new enthusiasm and hope.

If you are mature and less active Phen24 is a great option.

If you want to blast away fat in the shortest possible time go for PhenQ.

Some things you must know !

Most weight loss pills contain stimulants like caffeine that disturb your sleep. It’s why some people fail using weight loss supplements.

Sleep deprivation has been shown to reduce the hormone leptin in your body which naturally reduces your cravings.

A lack of sleep also increases the levels of ghrelin hormone which makes you feel hungry.

Phen24 is the smart balanced option that pays attention to your mood and those vital hormones like Leptin.

The US National Library of medicine and health said in a peer-reviewed study. “Laboratory studies and multiple epidemiological studies have linked short-sleep duration and poor-sleep quality to obesity risk”


Possible side effects Phen24 Nausea on first day which is uncommon probably due to not drinking enough water.

Ingredients Phen24 Daily: Guarana extract Cayenne pepper,L-Phenylalanine, Iodine, Manganese, Zinc citrate, copper sulfate, Caffeine. Nightly: Glucomannan, Green tea extract, Hops extract, Chromium, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium D-Pantothenate, Plyridoxine Hcl, Thiamine Hcl, D-Biotin, Molybdenum.  


(Found  in PhenQ Below)

Famous Olympic athletes like Mo Farah use L-Carnitine for massive energy and recovery boost. This amazing ingredient is also in our top rated product for quick weight loss Phen-Q.


Editors choice for quick weight loss.

“….Considered by many in the scientific community to be the most powerful weight loss pills in the world….”
guaranteed 2nd best weight loss pills 2020

  • The potent weight loss pill obese people turn to instead of gastric bypass.
  • L-Carnitine used by the most successful British track athlete in modern Olympic history Mo Farah. This is ideal to maintain your muscle while burning your fat. It will get you cut!
  • Said to be up to 5 x more powerful than normal diet pills.
  • Comes with award winning advana cleanse to flush out damaging toxins.
  • Given the affectionate nickname Jolly Polly due to its positive effect on your mood.
  • Nopal contains vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-3, C.
  • α-Lacys Reset scientifically proven to help you lose 7.24% body fat.
  • Suitable for you if you are an obese woman or man.
  • Great to boost your energy with a super safety profile.
  • Helpful to control blood sugar levels.
  • Offers a FULL CAST IRON , even return the empty bottles and get your money back (60 days)

PhenQ is only available from the official website

Up to 5x more potent than any other fat burner on the market.. even our no.1 choice.

But for some the weight loss is to extreme and a more balanced approach can be more helpful.

If you are at the stage of not giving a damn about balance and just want the fastest option this is for you.

In the last couple of years many obese people have used this supplement instead of gastric bypass losing as much as one hundred pounds in weight.  But be aware super quick weight loss when you’re very fat can leave stretch marks and loose skin.

This is for you if….

You are obese and need to lose weight quickly

If you need an energy and performance boost 

With phen24 this is the only premium supplement that offers you a full no questions asked guarantee for 60 days.

PhenQ blends natural ingredients to aid your weight loss and help you feel more positive.

PhenQ also slows fat production.

Curbs your appetite.

Boosts your energy.

And even increases your sense of wellness.

The advantages don’t stop there! PhenQ also empowers you by giving you a FULL guarantee.

You will lose weight we are so confident we will give you a cast iron guarantee for 60 daysPhenQ

These are considered a premium weight loss supplement. Often used by pro fitness coaches and so  confident they give full money back promise.

You will lose weight – 60 day promise.

PhenQ is only available from the official website

Side effects = Phenq has a great safety profile!

Ingredients Phenq α-Lacys Reset, capsimax powder, calcium carbonate, chromium picolinate, caffeine, nopal powder L-Carnitine.


Many moons ago it was believed women became mentally ill and hysterical on their periods so they did this totally unacceptable thing to cure it.


A natural choice to beat food cravings.

“…..One of best appetite suppressant in the world…..”

The best appetite suppressants in the world 2020

  • Start to feel less hungry within 1 hour.
  • FDA registered facility this works and verified safe made to GMP standards.
  • HELPS INDUCE A METABOLIC STATE OF KETOSIS it will burn your fat for energy.
  • Non GMO, gluten free and vegan friendly.
  • Contains Apple Cider a super ingredient to defeat food cravings.
  • Raspberry ketones recommended by DR.OZ.
  • Comes with free bottles on certain orders
  • Boosts your energy with no known side effects.
  •  (the best women’s fat burner in the world according to healthline and drunk every morning by President Obama)
  • Great with or without diet but also a great supplement to popular diets like keto, weight watchers ww and the cambridge diet.

Only available from the official website

Numerous celebs have caught on to the fact that you can use these to get slim without dieting.

BUT I warn against that attitude because eating poor food has negative health implications regardless of weight.

Often combined with popular diets like keto, weight watchers or cambridge to help beat food cravings which can spoil diets.

Keto by Vita is considered by many as a smart cheat helping many people to fast.

This an appetite suppressants which will more a less force you to stop eating.

Many athletes use this as health supplement because of apple cider vinegar. “…….In 1958, D.C Jarvis, MD published a book entitled ‘Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor’s Guide to Good Health’ wherein he recommended vinegar as a ‘cure-all’ thanks to its potassium rich qualities…..”

Mr President can I bring your Green Tea? green tea best fat burner and used by president obama

There are 4 main ingredients the 1st is green tea which is packed with antioxidants and used every morning by president obama who is considered the fittest president in history.

Green tea is mentioned as the best fat burner in the world by prestigious scientific website healthline.com and nutrition experts around the world agree.

Basically keto pills help you put your body into the state of ketosis which helps you utilises fat as the primary energy source, rather than carbohydrates.

It helps you burn your fat with the natural ingredients raspberry ketones and apple cider vinegar.

Take keto by vita to narrow your eating hours every day… ….this will help slow down your aging – Remember those teenage years again!

In addition to that, tea extract will give you an energy boost, To blast your daily tasks!

As you’ve probably noticed, all the ingredients are natural, which makes these pills very safe.

Only available from the official website

No significant side effects have been reported

Ingredients keto diet pills. raspberry ketones, apple cider vinegar, green tea extract, African mango.

#4. Slendarol

slendarol great fat burners at no.4 no guarantee offered

Slendarol is a brand that put emphasis on a all-natural blend of ingredients. Slendarol will provide you with the energy throughout the day, promote healthy metabolism and reduce your appetite.

2 of the ingredients raspberry ketones and garcinia cambogia have positive scientific feedback but most are based on animal tests not human tests. Also cambogia in my opinion is rather a mild appetite suppressant.

The customer reviews, nevertheless, rate Slendarol quite well. The only complaint some customers have is the stimulating effect.

Slendarol diet pills are sold for a relatively low price – $39.95/bottle(month’s supply), $72.95/2 bottles and $119.95/ 3 bottles + 1 free.

Possible side effects Slendarol:
allergic reactions, caffeine dizziness or jitteriness.

Ingredients Slendarol:
raspberry ketones, green coffee bean extract, green tea extract, garcinia cambogia.

#5.Vintage Burn

no. 5 best weight loss pills do not offer guatantee

Sometimes the war against fat involves some civilian casualties.

I’m talking about those unfortunate muscle cells that get burnt for energy while you’re trying to shed some weight.

Very unfortunate indeed, since it is mostly the muscle tissue that does the fat burning. And, yes, obviously everyone actually aims for a skinny body, rather than simply a light-weight one.

What can you do to attain the desired low fat-muscle ratio? ]

Vintage Burn purports to be the answer but see above for PhenQ which is the better option.

This is a powerful blend of carefully selected ingredients which promotes weight loss, but also helps to preserve your muscles, – and guess what–  it can even improve your mood & focus. 

Possible side effects Vintage Burn:
May contain trace amounts of allergens such as milk, eggs, soybeans, shellfish, fish, tree nuts, and peanuts; should not be taken in less than 4 hrs before sleep to avoid caffeine-induced insomnia.

Main Ingredients Vintage Burn:
Green tea leaf extract, green coffee leaf extract, raspberry ketone, olive leaf extract, caffeine, bacopa leaf extract, garcinia fruit extract, chrysin, forskohlii root extract.Auxiliary ingredients: vegetable capsule, vegetable stearate.


rated no6 best weight loss pills 2020 no guarantee offered

BurnXT presents a powerful formula devised by a well-established brand, Jacked Factory but it is overly packed with stimulants in my opinion.

Acetyl L-carnitine HCI. This amino acid will launch the fat burning process in your cells and, somewhat unexpectedly, enhance your cognitive function.

Green tea extract offers caffeine, predictably, but more than that, it also contains a compound called EGCG(whose name we abbreviated out of mercy for your tongue) which promotes fat loss.

Caffeine Anhydrous. A stimulant the benefits of which it has been already extensively written about but this this ingredient can also have negative side effects for many people in high doses. Anhydrous simply refers to the dry consistency of the chemical (as opposed to your typical cup of coffee – or tea, whichever you fancy)

Cayenne pepper extract will give you an increase in body temperature, so that it spends more energy for thermoregulation, so that you burn fat!

Black pepper extract helps absorption of the ingredients. You want to squeeze the maximum off that pill, don’t you?

Possible side effects BurnXT:
Can cause anxiety and heart palpitations be aware of high caffeine content.

Ingredients Burn XT:
Acetyl L-carnitine HCI(700mg), green tea extract(450mg), caffeine anhydrous(270mg), Capsimax cayenne pepper(50mg), BioPerine(5mg).


CLA strong fast slimming pills in 2020

You have probably heard the old wives tale about fat consumption being inherently harmful for your body.

Well, this supplement may change your mind on that one.

CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid, which is a family of compounds that can be found in such products as dairy or poultry.

CLA promotes a healthy metabolism and helps you build pure, fat-free muscles.

One study in mice even found a fat drop by 60%!.

But be aware trials involving  people have yet to confirm these fantastic results.

Possible side effects CLA:
Nausea, digestive disorders.

Ingredients CLA:
conjugated linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid.

#8. Green
Coffee Plus
no 8 rated weight loss pills 2020 green coffee. short guarantee

In contrast to the previously reviewed brands, this supplement focuses on quality, rather than quantity.

Its main ingredient, chlorogenic acid, does great job at correcting an unhealthy metabolism.

It does so by making your liver burn more fat. Moreover, this incredible compound is among the most powerful antioxidants on Earth.

If you want to shed some of that stubborn fat and detox your body for an adequate price this is an option for you.

Side effects Green Coffee
Uncommon reports of diarrhea

Pure green coffee extract.

#9. Alli
FDA approved fast weight loss alli diet pills 2020 no guarantee

If most of the supplements covered are a gentle aid in the pursuit of a skinny body, this one is heavy artillery. Alli is an over-the-counter version of orlistat. What it does is it simply block lipase, – enzyme responsible for breaking down the ingested fat, – so that your fat absorption drops by a quarter. That’s it, that fat just doesn’t get absorbed. That said many customer reports suggest it is no longer as effective as it used to be. 

Possible side effects Alli:
Itching, loss of appetite, yellow eyes or skin, light-coloured stool, brown urine.

Ingredients: orlistat – 60mg.

CRAZY WEIGHT LOSS FACT  Weight loss programs like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig can be tax deductible. If your current weight is a threat to your health, and your doctor enrolls you on the program.

#10. Goli ACV

fast weight loss pills 2020 acv goli gummies

Lots of positive feedback, they taste great but there is a negative.

They are totally organic, non-allergic, vegan-friendly. 

You might be surprised how many benefits ACV has.

Besides helping you lose weight by boosting your metabolism, it also aids digestion, detoxes your gut and promotes a healthy heart.

ACV can even improve your skin because it regulates your pH levels.

Downsides are Goli Gummies are very expensive compared to other AVC products. Each servings contains 15 calories, 3.5 carbs and 1 gram of sugars. 

There are better combined options including keto pills by Vita (below) which also contains apple cider vinegar.

If you like gummies I suggest buying sugar free gummies in your local walmart:)

Possible side effects Goli Gummies:

May decrease your potassium levels, may alter insulin levels.

Ingredients Goli Gummies:
Apple cider vinegar(5% acetic acid) – 500mg, beetroot – 40mcg, pomegranate – 40mcg, vitamin B12, vitamin B9. Other ingredients: apple, blackcurrant, cane sugar, carrot, citric acid, malic acid, natural flavour, sodium citrate, tapioca syrup, pectin, water.

For the film role the machinist Christian Bale lost 60lbs on a strict diet of whisky and cigarettes. The was one of many remarkable transformations he made for film roles.


The post ✅Best Weight Loss Pills 2020 appeared first on Health-Info.org.

source https://health-Info.org/nutrition/weight-loss-pills-guide-2/